zondag 17 oktober 2010

Not A Little Girl Anymore

Every society must have laws and regulations, lest anarchy rule the land.
However, when we impose our personal sensibilities on others and start advocating for government to legislate every aspect of our lives, aren’t we stepping on dangerous ground?
It seems like we are fast becoming a nation of over-bearing prudes, who take offence to just about every thing from Viagra ads, vocabulary, Sesame Street skits, slight nudity to poor Miley Cyrus growing up.
New York’s Mayor wants to ban cigarette smoking in parks and beaches. Already outlawed it in workplaces, restaurants, bars, libraries and public transportation.
If it’s that bad for us, why not prohibit it from being manufactured altogether? That brings me to the soda ban NY Mayor Bloomberg wants to impose on food stamps recipients.
Why not go after manufacturers who put all that poison in all foods instead of penalizing the poor?
Poor Miley Cyrus is feeling the wrath of irate parents who think her latest video is too racy. Miley is growing up. She is not a little girl anymore. Can’t keep her sexuality from emerging. It’s a natural progression.
On one hand some scream government is getting too big and on the other hand, some of these same people want us to live by their stringent rules to regulate, ban, prohibit every action within an inch of it’s life.
Too much control means too little freedom of expression and even less individuality. That’s how fascism is born.
You can read the full article here.

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