zondag 12 december 2010

Lesley Patterson's coment on Miley Cyrus Partying with Bong

This is like, the only time I’m going to say what I think about the whole bong/Miley thing.

I think that the people putting her down and critizing her for it are seriously pretty lame. It should be no ones buisness but hers.

There are a lot of people saying that she shouldn’t be doing anything like that because young kids look up to her. IF parents have a problem with their kids watching her actions then they should take steps to prevent them from seeing her actions. I’m not saying inhaling anything is RIGHT, I’m saying that it shouldn’t be anyone elses business but mileys. 

And the excuse of her being on Disney/Hannah Montana makes it shocking is also pretty lame. She wasn’t even a teenager when she first started auditioning for Hannah Montana, as people grow they change, their style, body, mind, views on things, EVERYTHING. You can’t expect her to think the same way she did when she started Hannah Montana. News flash- that was a long time ago!

Yall are just focusing on the fact that she did it, yall aren’t seeing the BIGGER PICTURE. It’s not like she’s promoting any sort of drug, it’s not like she knew everyone was gonna see the video, she’s not asking anyone else to take it. And who said she’s going to take it again? 

It would be different it she was like “oh hey, BY THE WAY, you should TOTALLY copy what I’m doing right now!”
But she wasn’t saying that and she didn’t know that anyone was going to see the video.

Some idiot filmed her doing it, it’s not like she asked for the world to see it. I’m sorry but STEP OUTSIDE YOUR LITTLE BOX and look at the bigger picture. She is human. I’ve made mistakes. You’ve made mistakes. Who’s got the right to say she can’t make mistakes?

It’s actually really sad, if she wasn’t so well known and this was just a random girl on the news or some lame website you wouldn’t give a shit.
What makes her different from a random girl? Nothing. Because she is just a girl.
Okay, she’s well known, but I’m pretty sure when she was signing up to Hannah Montana, there wasn’t a part in the contract that stated “If you take this job, you must not make any mistakes, ever. You need to be perfect as young people look up to you.”
She’s freakin’ 18. 
If you think your kids life is being “affected” in any way, then control what they view because making mistakes and learning from them is pretty much the best role model you can get.
It’s understandable that people are worried, everyone is to an extent, but she’ll be just fine.
To all the people criticizing her, HAVE A FUN WITH YOUR LIFE, MAKING NO MISTAKES. You’ll sure learn a lottttt!

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